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Join the NorthStar Guild to connect with NorthStar Foundation and the young men we serve in the North Omaha community! NorthStar’s mission is to change young men’s lives through programming that supports, challenges, inspires and instills a life rooted in education, self-discipline and service to the community.

Image of North Star Guild

Guild Members are invited to participate in special opportunities to work directly alongside NorthStar boys: Antonio’s Locker, Mother’s Day Flowers Event, Winter Coat Fest, and the Holiday Bazaar. Guild Members also have early access to attend signature events, like NorthStar’s Annual Climb Higher Luncheon and Ladies Night Out for the Boys.

Annual Membership

2025 Executive Committee

Catherine Harrington, President
Allison Raetz, President Elect
Amanda LaPuzza, VP of Community
Christine Schulte, VP of Fundraising
Steph Drewnowski, VP of Membership & Secretary
Stephanie Poots, Treasurer Liaison
Jessica Covi, Advisor

Members of the NorthStar Guild Board

Jen Alloway
Paige Amick
Emily Barr
Olivia Beier
Michelle Chartrand
Jessica Covi
Yolanda Delgado
Steph Drewnowski
Jessica Dugger
Heather Efaw
Jean Farrell
Amber Gard
Beth Gard
Cathy Haney
Catherine Harrington
Abby Johnson
Katy Joyce
Kelly Kirk
Katie Kollars
Lisa Korff

Emily Lankhorst
Amanda LaPuzza
Sarah McGowan
Meghan Molitor
Kristen Papenfuss
Holly Pendley
Stephanie Poots
Allison Raetz
Christine Schulte
Mia Sharrar
Andrea Siegel
Allison Spencer
Crystal Vacura
Heather Vanourney
Thea Weinandt
Leora Werner
Andrea Williamson
Beth Wilson
Stacy Wilson
Jill Yosten